As a reliable distributor, DAETER has a wide range of high-quality mineral oil products in its portfolio that can meet the different needs of its customers.
Consumers could rely on an efficient partnership that ensures rapid supply of petroleum products for various applications.
We offer our customers the following products:
Naphtha – there is a high demand for this petroleum product. We supply the raw material at affordable prices, which are formed according to the actual market level. All customers can be confident in product quality and package integrity. We also guarantee timely delivery of this main raw material, which is used, among other things, for gasoline production.
Aromatic Hydrocarbon – is the widely used petro-element for chemical industry applications. The main aromatics types DAETER supplies are: benzene, toluene, o-xylene, p-xylene, pyrolysis products and solvents. Through optimized logistics solutions with the door-to-door concept, consumers can get the aromatics they need quickly and safely.
Bitumen – is often used as a raw material in the construction sector and is also included in our product portfolio. Many infrastructure representatives order bitumen in bulk. Our special packaging ensures product safety and takes into account all of the useful properties of bitumen, such as melting.
All processes in our supply chain are based on ensuring that our customers benefit from every aspect of the collaboration. We use our extensive logistical resources such as land and sea vehicles to deliver petroleum products. DAETER is the responsible distributor that can be trusted with the supply of raw materials.